Japanese beef bowl how to make

Beef bowl 牛丼

A dish made with stewed beef and sliced onion on rice is called ‘Gyudon’. ‘Gyudon’ tastes  salty-sweet  which goes well with rice.  In Japan it is very popular meal. It is very delicious, and you’ll be satisfied with the quality , quantity and price.  There are a lot of shops of the takeout and eat in , but you can make it at home.  This beef bowl ‘Gyudon’ is a guaranteed easy and delicious meal . The recipe is so simple to make too.

things you’ll need for beef bawl ‘Gyudon’  (for two)

●Beef (slice): 180 g (cut it to bite-size)
●onion: 1/2 unit (slice)
●Rice: Appropriate amount
●Broth :70cc
●Sweet sake: 50cc
●Soy sauce: 30cc

How to make ’Gyudon’

1. slice the meat and an onion.

2. put a broth, sweet sake, soy sauce in to a medium sized fry-pan and set  over medium heat.

3. add sliced beef and onion into the pan and put it on high flame.

4. after boiling the broth, lower the heat.

5. stew it for about 3-5 minutes.

6. Remove from the heat and pour it on a medium sized  bowl with rice.

at the end

‘Gyudon’ is best eaten while a dish is hot, but can be stored sealed in an airtight container in a refrigerater.
When you eat,please warm it up in the microwave.


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